Collections Florence Symbol Gemstones Circular maxi Ring in burnished Silver 149,00€ – 179,00€ Silver ring “gocce maxi” 180,00€ Bracelet Rigid in Gold Plated Silver 109,00€ Shell Pendant Earrings in Gold Plated Silver 79,00€ Mini Earrings in Silver with Amethyst 65,00€ Coin Florin Necklace with Garnet in Gold Plated Silver 169,00€ – 189,00€ Florentine Lily Necklace in Gold Plated Silver 159,00€ Florin Necklace with Spinel and balls in Rhodium Plated Silver 169,00€ – 189,00€ Ponte Vecchio Necklace in Silver 159,00€